The Potluck: September 2020
Continuing the monthly tradition, The Speckled Palate’s The Potluck: September 2020 includes a few clothing items, a kitchen necessity, a beauty recommendation and more. Come check out my list and tell me what was on yours for September.

The month of September feels like it flew by. That’s actually a shocking/lovely thing to report since this year has been a collective kick to the gut.
Right now, I’d like to focus on the joy today since it was an exceptional month for us personally.
Let’s talk September highlights:
- Virtual school began, and it was a smashing success. Why? A learning pod! I seriously don’t think we would’ve been able to participate in kinder had this group not formed. I am so thankful for them for making it special.
- We celebrated our younger one’s second birthday, and it was so much fun! We baked Fresh Strawberry Cupcakes with Strawberry Cream Cheese Frosting to celebrate at the insistence of our older one. Also, we celebrated for about a week. It should be reported that Lady Speckle was irritated that my birthday eventually eclipsed hers.
- My birthday was lovely, too! It included surprise pastries, macarons and coffee from some dear friends, then a socially distant, outdoor surprise party after school. The surprise featured cookies, ice cream and champagne and so many handmade presents from our older one’s learning pod.
Also, this isn’t a personal thing, but could I just say that I was so impressed with the Dallas Stars’ Stanley Cup run? While they didn’t bring home the cup, I was blown away by this team, their scrappiness and creativity. Also, post game beerssssssss is one of my favorite pop culture things to come out of the month.
Let’s talk September low points and action items:
September had some major negativity, too. And one thing on the forefront of my mind is the disastrous Presidential Debate from a few days ago.
If you haven’t registered to vote yet, please do. Quickly. And then cast a ballot in the upcoming election to vote out the man who wouldn’t denounce white supremacy when asked multiple times. Unsurprisingly, he also said he wasn’t sure he could accept future election results because of mail-in ballot fraud.
This said, if you’re hoping to stay on top of the issues of the day, let me recommend two things:
- The Daily: I have really enjoyed the reporting and timeliness of this podcast. I highly recommend it for anyone who’d like to dive deep on an issue for 30-45 minutes a day.
- Anti-racism Daily: Am I going to plug this every month? Probably. Are you subscribed yet? You should be. This newsletter offers deep-dives into very specific issues dealing with race daily. I particularly like the daily action items and the timeliness of these newsletters, too.
Now Let’s Talk About This Monthly Love List…
To recap, my potluck, as defined by the folks at Merriam-Webster is:
the regular meal available to a guest for whom no special preparations have been made… a communal meal to which people bring food to share —usually used attributively ; whatever is offered and available in given circumstances or at a given time.
Now who’s ready to see what ended up on my list for September 2020?!?
2014: October | November| December
2015: January | February | March | May | June | July | August |
September | November | December
2016: January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August |
September | October | November | December
2017: January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August |
September | October | November | December
2018: January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August |
September | October | November | December
2019: January | February/March | April | August
2020: January | February | March | April | May | June | July/August | September | October | November | December
2021: January | April | May | July | August | September | October | November/December

About the Author:
Erin Parker is a Southern gal living in Texas with her husband and two daughters. She started The Speckled Palate to share what she was cooking as a newlywed… and over the years, it’s evolved to capture her love for hosting. Specifically, the EASIEST, lowest key entertaining because everyone deserves to see their people and connect over good food. Learn more about her…
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