The Potluck: August 2018

Continuing the monthly tradition, The Speckled Palate’s The Potluck: August 2018 includes a lot of moving-related goodness, including some new bedroom furniture and a lifesaving pick-up service, a photographer, sweet friends and more. Swing by the blog today to get a full list of the things I adored during the month of August.

How the heck are we closing in on mid-September already, friends? Quite honestly, I’m unsure, and I can hardly believe that the month of September is here! (Hooray, hooray for my birthday month and the birth month of Baby Speckle!)

I’ve been doing my best to keep a running list of things I enjoyed in August–especially since I felt like I could have the baby any day at that point–and wanted to share all of my favorite things from the month with y’all before we get too far into September.

Sound good?

To recap, my potluck, as defined by the folks at Merriam-Webster is:

the regular meal available to a guest for whom no special preparations have been made… a communal meal to which people bring food to share —usually used attributively <a potluck supper>; whatever is offered or available in given circumstances or at a given time.

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    Ready to learn all the things I liked? Let’s do this!

    Pinterest collage of The Potluck: August 2018, featuring all eight love list items

    8. Sweet blog friends: On the last day of August, I woke up to a sweet surprise–a virtual baby shower, thrown by some of my food blogger friends! I feel so lucky to have these ladies in my life, and I am in love with the recipes they shared to celebrate me and Baby Speckle. Thank you SO much, friends! We feel so loved! I wish there was a way for them to have sent them to my house because I want one of each. Like, now. 😉

    Here’s the list of all the recipes they created…

    What Did You Love In August?

    Curious about other things I’ve loved? Check out my other potlucks:

    2014: October | NovemberDecember

    2015: January | February | March | May | June | July | August | September | November | December

    2016: January | February |March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December

    2017: January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December

    2018: January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December

    2019: January | February/March | April | August

    A woman with dark curly hair wearing a black tank top in front of a white wall

    About the Author:

    Erin Parker is a Southern gal living in Texas with her husband and two daughters. She started The Speckled Palate to share what she was cooking as a newlywed… and over the years, it’s evolved to capture her love for hosting. Specifically, the EASIEST, lowest key entertaining because everyone deserves to see their people and connect over good food. Learn more about her

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    1. Wow, you have had a Very Eventful August! Glad all was well with you and Baby Speckle after the accident, congratulations on the new house and grown up furniture, and I was so happy to help celebrate your virtual baby shower! xo

    2. This Potluck is just so great! What an eventful, but lovely month you had! We were so thrilled to celebrate you. The only thing that would make it better is if it were in person, of course. C’mon baby speckle! We’re all ready to meet you.

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