The Potluck: August 2021
Continuing the monthly tradition, The Speckled Palate’s The Potluck: August 2021 includes a few summertime clothes, recipes and more. Come see my love list and tell me what was on yours for August.

This month has been a really hard one for us personally. While we are all in relatively good health, we’ve had a lot of traumatic things happen. Obviously, the state of the world is not happening what is happening to us personally, either.
Early this month, we had to quarantine because we had a known exposure. Fortunately, we are all fine… but it was HARD, to say the least.
In the last weeks, we discovered that our dog has fast-growing bone cancer. It started off as a mild limp at the beginning of the month and got progressively worse.
Because of this, she will undergo surgery on Thursday, September 2, to remove the cancer. And her leg. It has been a roller coaster, but we feel hopeful that the surgery will give Lucy the ability to lead her best life, even though it will look a little different than I used to.
Let’s discuss August Highlights:
- School. Our older ones school officially started this month, and I am so impressed with everyone who works there, as well as her district. If you live in Texas, you know that our governor has banned masks mandates and our school district is challenging the governors mandate in court. Unfortunately, the vast majority of our kids at the schools are too young to even be eligible for a vaccine, and because of that, I am so appreciative for her district to stick it’s figurative neck out and to take a stand about this to protect its youngest students.
- Home baking. When we were in quarantine, the girls helped me bake quite a few treats for the months ahead. Y’all should get excited because we had a lot of fun working with both pumpkin and apple.
- Friends. I know I’ve spoken about it here before, but I am so appreciative for our friends community here in Dallas. While neither of our families live here, we have a group of friends who are incredible. We’ve had so many people come to our aid during the past month, and we’ve got so many people who have asked what they can do for us after Lucy’s surgery, as well. How lucky we are to know these people and to be loved by then.
Let’s talk August Action Items:
Here are a few things that are on my heart this month:
- Hurricane Ida relief. My husband and I live through Katrina, and it was horrifying to watch Ida rip through the bayou parishes and take sigh on New Orleans and Baton Rouge. While we’re so thankful our people are safe and sustained minimal damage, but so many people are not OK. There are lots of fundraisers happening, and I like how Funds for People of the Bayou are supporting the folks in the smaller communities. The Foot Above Foundation (started by a roommate and sorority sister of mine) has a wishlist that they’ll be distributing items to people in need, too.
- Afghanistan relief. Watching our country’s armed forces pull out of Afghanistan so abruptly and to watch the Taliban start taking control of cities and provinces… it was a lot. Especially for those of us with friends who’ve fought as a part of this decades-long war. Our family chose to donate to Women for Women International to help Afghan women, and I know there are so many more humanitarian organizations that are helping Afghans on the ground, too.
What are your action items of the month?
Now Let’s Talk about this Monthly Love List…
To recap, my potluck, as defined by the folks at Merriam-Webster is:
the regular meal available to a guest for whom no special preparations have been made… a communal meal to which people bring food to share —usually used attributively ; whatever is offered and available in given circumstances or at a given time.
Now who’s ready to see what ended up on my list for August 2021?!?
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About the Author:
Erin Parker is a Southern gal living in Texas with her husband and two daughters. She started The Speckled Palate to share what she was cooking as a newlywed… and over the years, it’s evolved to capture her love for hosting. Specifically, the EASIEST, lowest key entertaining because everyone deserves to see their people and connect over good food. Learn more about her…
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