The Potluck: June 2017
Can I just say I am SO HAPPY it’s July? Because I am, even though I’m shocked half of 2017 is already in the books.
The month of June was a trying one, as explained in Thursday’s post, and the month of July is going to be brighter. I just know it.
That’s not to say that June didn’t have its own sweetness, though. From introducing Lady A to several Disney movies and their soundtracks to swim lessons to getting to see our family and friends, there was a lot of goodness bestowed upon us. And that’s not even to mention the people who made our month of no Winston easier by constantly checking in on us, inviting us to dinner, offering to babysit and more.
And today? Well, I want to talk about the June things I adored. 🙂
To recap, my potluck, as defined by the folks at Merriam-Webster is:
the regular meal available to a guest for whom no special preparations have been made… a communal meal to which people bring food to share —usually used attributively <a potluck supper>; whatever is offered or available in given circumstances or at a given time.
Around the end of every month, I write up a list of my (current) favorite things. While this list might not be a traditional “meal,” I hope to bring some unique products/entertainment/links/etc. that I’ve recently loved in the hopes that y’all will enjoy them, too.
Here are some of my favorites from June:
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1. Instacart Grocery Delivery: I can say this is probably the bougiest thing I’ve ever done for myself… but my goodness, was it SO helpful! Lady A and I got home from Memphis late Sunday night, and the next day, we found ourselves jetting from errand to errand without time to pick up groceries. At the behest of my pal Madison, I decided to give this grocery delivery service a shot, and it was the best idea I had that day! I placed the order around 2 p.m., and our groceries were waiting on the doorstep when we got home from swim lessons at 5:30! While it won’t be something I’ll rely on weekly, I will definitely be using this service again when I find myself in a grocery bind.
2. College World Series: Nothing makes me feel older than watching 18-year-olds play for a National Championship… but every year my Tigers make it to Omaha, I can’t help but watch. And what a trip it was! The Tigers made it to the finals (GEAUX!) and faced off against an SEC rival… and while they didn’t pull it out this year, I’m still proud of the season they had.
3. Bathing Beauty Swimsuit: During two weeks in June, Lady A and I took swim lessons. When I say she and I took them, I mean I was in the water with her every day helping her swim, even though she constantly told me, “Mama, let go. I swim.” Because I had to be in the pool meant I had to wear a swimsuit, and my trusty suit from ModCloth came through again this summer! Seriously. It’s comfortable and flattering with 50’s flare. What’s not to love?
4. The Frozen Soundtrack: We might’ve listened to this again and again and again on our road trip to Memphis last month, and I might know all the lyrics to all the songs now. And while some people might consider this torture, I love me a good musical, and so does my daughter. So this worked out beautifully. 😉
5. Preservation by Kate Canterbary: I’ve been impatiently waiting for this novel since its release date was announced in December, and it finally arrived on my Kindle last month! I feel weird as hell recommending romance novels because hey, this is a food blog, and we don’t generally talk books here, but Kate Canterbary’s combination of intricate storytelling (and interwoven storylines spanning novels!), snappy dialogue, emotional intensity and humor just makes this series so damn satisfying. So if you’re a fan of contemporary romance, check this out!
6. The Foxe and the Hound by R.S. Grey: As y’all might have gathered, I love to read. And I gobbled up this R.S. Grey novel in a day. R.S. Grey writes fantastic romantic comedy, and this novel was no different. Featuring a fluffy, overexcited puppy and his owner and his vet, this book was alllllll kinds of fun to read without the super heavy emotional toil some books come with. Perfect as a beach read if you’re into this kind of thing!
7. The Man in the High Castle: My mother-in-law and I started this series when she came to help last month, and we could not stop watching. Every day that went by, we’d watch one, two, three episodes. We binged the first season in four days and got started on the second, only to not be able to finish it before she went home! I cannot wait to see what happens next. Are any of you fans, too?
8. Eliza J Floral Halter Maxi Dress: My mother got married in June, and my sister and I walked her down the aisle. I wore this dress, and I am simply in love with it. Flattering and colorful without being too punchy, it was exactly what I aspired to wear to the wedding, and I was comfortable for the entire evening, too! Now that’s a win if I’ve ever heard of one!
9. Reversible Grill/Griddle: Our grill ran out of gas earlier this month, and since my husband wasn’t home, I was iffy on whether or not I’d be able to replace it correctly. (Me and grills don’t get along very well.) So what’s a girl to do when she has multiple grilling recipes to make? She orders this reversible grill/griddle, and it makes her life as a food blogger SO MUCH easier.
What Did You Love In June?
Curious about other things I’ve loved? Check out my other potlucks:
2014: October | November| December
2015: January | February | March | May | June | July | August | September | November | December
2016: January | February |March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December
2017: January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December
2018: January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December
2019: January | February/March | April | August

About the Author:
Erin Parker is a Southern gal living in Texas with her husband and two daughters. She started The Speckled Palate to share what she was cooking as a newlywed… and over the years, it’s evolved to capture her love for hosting. Specifically, the EASIEST, lowest key entertaining because everyone deserves to see their people and connect over good food. Learn more about her…
That dress is really pretty, Erin. I can picture that you looked gorgeous in it!
Also, thanks for the tip with the reversible griddle/grill — that sounds super-handy to have!