Sunday Snippets: Memorial Day Roadtrip Edition

Howdy, y’all!

Could we talk for just one second about how it’s already JUNE? Where the heck is this year going? What are y’all up to this summer?

After an absolutely bonkers month of May, we’re in town for most of the summer, and I’m really excited to spend this time in our new-ish town, exploring and seeing what’s fun to do here during the sweltering months. Also, I firmly believe I will be finding someone with a pool in the near future since it’s getting to be a bit toasty already!

That being said, here are my snippets for the week, highlighting images and randomness from our trip to Louisiana last weekend for a wedding, then spending the rest of the weekend in town seeing all our friends and family members. It was fabulous, in case you were wondering.

Collage of a black and white dog in a car and a selfie of a woman in sunglasses

1. Winston and I drove down to Louisiana last weekend for a wedding of friends in his hometown. We had a blast.

2. Lucy came with us, and she thoroughly enjoyed the car ride.

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    3. I enjoyed the car ride a little less than our enthusiastic pup, so I took some goofy selfies, prettied them up in the A Beautiful Mess app and sent them to my mother and sister. Because that’s how I roll.

    A collage bottles of Abita wheat beer and meat and corn on a grill

    4. I spent last Sunday and Monday with my longtime friend and hot date, Em. She and I have been friends since my FRESHMAN year at LSU, which means we’re approaching the 10-year mark in our friendship, which is nuts.

    5. We visited some of my favorite Baton Rouge establishments together that Sunday, ended up at the outlets for a 50% off sale at the J.Crew Outlet, then came home to watch baseball with Emily’s boyfriend and his brother. We drank Abita seasonal beer, and we grilled all the good things, including corn, all kinds of veggies, barbecue chicken and BOUDIN! (And lucky for us, Em’s boyfriend is a grillmaster, so the corn and the grill did NOT go up in flames like they have for me in the past.)

    6. That evening, we went swimming in their neighbor’s pool after our dinner. We unsuccessfully tried to teach Lucy to swim. And I am convinced that we will one day get her in the water happily because she was SO curious when Dudley, Emily’s 6-month-old GIANT Golden Retriever, was paddling all around the pool. She kept putting her paws on the first step and watching him intently as he happily retrieved all kinds of toys thrown to him.

    A black and white dog and a golden retriever sit on a red comforter

    7. Needless to say, Lucy and Dudley were fast friends. The two of them got into all kinds of trouble together, including wading into the muddy, small pond behind the house and chasing two stray cats all around the yard while almost giving me a heart attack because they almost ran into the road more than once and got attacked by the more-than-a-little-angry kitties. … Clearly, they had a blast.

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    8. I’ve been reading a TON recently. In case you were wondering, I highly recommend The Age of Miracles, and I thought The Devil in the Junior League was a super fun, beach-y read. Next up on my list is Code Name Verity. … Do y’all have any recommendations for me? Send ’em on over!

    9. In continuing with the reading theme, could I just say how awesome the Dallas Public Library is? Because it’s fabulous, and I am so glad to have a membership there. It’s making my reading addiction a lot less expensive.

    10. I’m finally recovered from all the travel of the month of May, and I am so excited about this summer, my new pair of shoes that were purchased with Swappy in Vegas and the fact that my dog’s hair is growing out from when we had her buzzed a few weeks ago. She looks a lot less goofy now.

    A collage of a black and white dog and a woman's feet in blue and white shoes

    That’s all I got for today.

    What are YOUR snippets?

    What’s going on with you this beautiful June afternoon?

    [mv_create key=”33″ type=”list” title=”Sunday Snippets” thumbnail=”” layout=”grid”]

    A woman with dark curly hair wearing a black tank top in front of a white wall

    About the Author:

    Erin Parker is a Southern gal living in Texas with her husband and two daughters. She started The Speckled Palate to share what she was cooking as a newlywed… and over the years, it’s evolved to capture her love for hosting. Specifically, the EASIEST, lowest key entertaining because everyone deserves to see their people and connect over good food. Learn more about her

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    1. Puppies, bbq, and beer–hooray! I had my own hot-weather beer-drinking afternoon yesterday. Today looks like it’ll be all about a trip to the farmer’s market, followed by lounging about in the backyard with some iced tea and a book. Summer! 🙂

      1. Yes to that, Eileen! Your own hot-weather beer-drinking afternoon sounds fabulous, too, and a trip to the farmer’s market and lounging in the backyard with iced tea and a book all sound wonderful, too! I hope you had a great weekend last weekend and that this one is just as fun!

    2. I bet Lucy could swim if she tried. She just has to want it bad enough.

      Also, I raided a J. Crew factory story during that 50% off sale too and I LOVE IT.

      1. Ha. She wanted it… she just didn’t want it THAT much, and I think it being night had her more wary, too. Maybe next time, though?

        And I’m so glad you did the same. Wasn’t it the BEST?

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