The Sweetest Season Cookie Exchange Recipes

The Sweetest Season 2022 banner in purple and gold

The Sweetest Season Cookie Exchange is a yearly celebration of sugar, butter and cookies.

Cookies = love, and the holiday season is all about sharing and spreading love, so my blog friends and I have come together to share favorite recipes, whether they’re new or well-loved classics, during the week!

The idea is based on an old-fashioned cookie exchange, except it’s virtual. Each blogger is bringing one or more cookies to the party, and we’re offering all kinds of sweets for the holiday season!

We’ll be posting on Instagram using the hashtag #sweetestseasoncookies, so please follow along, and we hope to offer all kinds of holiday baking inspiration for the year’s sweetest season!

Here are our recipe round-ups from previous years:

bake better cookies!

download our holiday cookie cheat sheet to build the perfect cookie platter this season. you’ll also get our best cookie recipes, baking tips, tricks and more!

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